30 January - 3 February 2025 | Hotel Clarks Amer, Jaipur

Oscar Pujol

Oscar Pujol has published several books and translations from Sanskrit, among them The Wisdom of the Forest: Translations from the Upaniṣads; Hymn to the Earth from the Atharvaveda; The Bhagavadgītā; The Yogasūtra of Patañjali; Rasa: Aesthetic Pleasure in Indian Aesthetic;  and two monographs - one on Śaṃkara and another on Patañjali. He has also published the Sanskrit-Catalan Dictionary and the Sanskrit-Spanish Dictionary. He played a key role in establishing Casa Asia (Barcelona) as the Director of Educational Programmes, introducing the teaching of Asian languages, promoting the creation of Asian degrees at Spanish Universities, and fostering Indo-Spanish relations. In 2007, he founded the Instituto Cervantes of New Delhi. He has also directed the Instituto Cervantes of Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro, and Fez. Currently, he serves again as the Director of the Instituto Cervantes of New Delhi.


05 Feb | 03:00 PM - 03:50 PM | Venue - JAN MICHALSKI FONDATION BAITHAK

216. The Treasures of Sanskrit

James Mallinson and Oscar Pujol in conversation with Swati Chopra

02 Feb | 05:00 PM - 05:30 PM | Venue - JAN MICHALSKI FONDATION BAITHAK

82. Sanskrit and Sanskriti- Across Languages

Mridul Kirti and Oscar Pujol in conversation with Aditi Maheshwari Goyal

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