30 January - 3 February 2025 | Hotel Clarks Amer, Jaipur

Mita Kapur

Mita Kapur is the founder and CEO of Siyahi, India’s leading literary consultancy. Her first book, The F-Word, is a food book, memoir and travelogue. She has edited Chillies and Porridge: Writing Food, an anthology of essays on food. As a freelance journalist, she writes regularly for different newspapers and magazines on social and development issues along with travel, food and lifestyle. She has received many awards, including the Femina Women Super Achiever Award and  the Maharani Gayatri Devi Award for Woman of Excellence. She curated Masala Chowk, a street food court in Jaipur in 2018. Kapur is currently Literary Director for the JCB Prize for Literature.


03 Feb | 05:00 PM - 05:30 PM | Venue - DURBAR HALL

130. FIRST EDITION: "सियासत" ("Siyasat") by Shivani Sibal, translated by Prabhat Ranjan

Introduction by S. Nirupam, followed by Prabhat Ranjan in conversation with Mita Kapur. Readings from Siyasat and Equations. Launch by Shivani Sibal, Mridula Garg, Prabhat Ranjan, S. Nirupam and Mita Kapur

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