30 January - 3 February 2025 | Hotel Clarks Amer, Jaipur

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Chandrakant Lahariya

Chandrakant Lahariya

Chandrakant Lahariya, a physician-epidemiologist, is India’s leading vaccines, public policy, and health systems experts. Dr. Lahariya works on epidemics and pandemics is a unique mix of academic research, public policy formulation and field implementation. He is at the frontline of Covid pandemic response in India. In the past, he has worked with the United Nations for 13 years and advised national and state governments on strengthening health systems. He has written and published extensively, both in medical journals and as well as mainstream media. He contributes regular columns to a few leading Indian newspapers. Lahariya has received many prestigious fellowships and awards. He is the lead co-author of Till We Win: India’s Fight Against COVID-19 pandemic.


Owning Science, Owning Knowledge

GR Raghavender, Chandrakant Lahariya, Roger Highfield and Arundhuti Dasgupta in conversation with Vikram Chandra

Article 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights says, “Everyone should have the right ....to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.” Are the fruits of scientific discovery accessible to all those who need them or available only to the privileged few? An important session that discusses the provenance and equitable ownership of scientific, technical and medical knowledge in the context of the current pandemic crisis.